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Leuven, Belgium, May 2017
Leuven, Belgium, May 2017

Master thesis

This page lists all the master thesis that I supervised. Reports that are not confidential can be downloaded from this page.


With the roles I have in different companies or institutions, I had the opportunity to supervise several master thesis connected to my activities related to these roles.

  1. Ilias El-Abbassi. Projet MyPress - Développement d'un système de centralisation d'accès à la presse en ligne. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2020. PDF
    Advisor: Louis de Viron (DataText, Schaerbeek).
  2. Houda Hannouni. Cartographie de concepts informatiques et développement d'un outil de recherche multiparadigmes. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2020. PDF
    Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis (EDITx, Etterbeek).
  3. Julien Kessels. Mise en place d’un tutoriel intelligent et d'outils d'aide à la création de questions d'examens par des algorithmes de machine learning. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2019. PDF
    Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis (EDITx, Etterbeek).
  4. Amaury Lekens. Système de prédiction des niveaux de compétence IT de programmeurs par machine learning. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2019. PDF
    Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis (EDITx, Etterbeek).

Centre de Recherche et de Développement de l'ECAM

When I was a researcher at the Centre de Recherche et de Développement de l'ECAM (CERDECAM) from 2018 to 2020, I supervised several master thesis, whether as part of research projects in which I am involved or as a coach for the student entrepreneur program.

  1. Sam Bertrand. Designing an Internet of Things device to geolocate people outside a perimeter in the NeoFinder startup project frame. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2020. PDF
    Advisor: Queenie Halsberghe (CERDECAM, Woluwé-Saint-Lambert).
  2. Martin Degeldt. Design, conception et déploiement d'une solution full-stack de gestion de données de géolocalisation pour la startup NeoFinder. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2020. PDF
    Advisor: Queenie Halsberghe (CERDECAM, Woluwé-Saint-Lambert).
  3. Gaétan Guru. Design and Implementation of a Social Networks Analysis Framework Combining the Neo4j Graph Database and the Python Programming Language. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School, Belgium, June 2019. PDF
    Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis (CERDECAM, Woluwé-Saint-Lambert).

ECAM Brussels Engineering School

When I was a lecturer at the ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM) from 2014 to 2020, I supervised several master thesis. Most of them took place in a company outside the school and are in the continuity of the work placement internship that took place during the first semester.

  1. Hadrien Hachez. The stock replenishment through the machine learning. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2020. PDF
    Advisor: Patrick Tack (Avanade, Brussels).
  2. Saïkou Ahmadou Barry. Design, implémentation, benchmark et études budgétaires d'une architecture pour l'ingestion de données IoT au sein de la plateforme Shayp. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, January 2020. PDF
    Advisor: Ir. Grégoire de Hemptinne (Shayp, Etterbeek).
  3. Tom Selleslagh. Réalisation d'une architecture IoT distribuée autonome basée sur les concepts de micro-services. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2019. PDF
    Advisor: Ir. Laurent Deru (CETIC, Charleroi).
  4. Yannick Berckmans. Boitier électronique IoT de monitoring énergétique : Étude et programmation d'un prototype. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2018.
    Advisor: Ing. Michaël Jeanmotte (G.M. Electronics, Ganshoren).
  5. Antoine Vander Meiren. Développement de l'entièreté de la chaine d'une solution de chiffrement sur Android basée sur un module hardware spécialisé. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2018.
    Advisor: Ir. Samuel Tessian (Thalès, Tubize).
  6. Charles Vandevoorde. Hybrid ordering protocol for partially-replicated state machine. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2018. PDF
    Advisor: Prof. Peter Van Roy (Université catholique de Louvain, UCLouvain).
  7. Damien Vanhove. Design, développement et intégration à une plateforme de gestion d'école d'un module de gestion des stages. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), ECAM, September 2017. PDF
    Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis (ECAM Brussels Engineering School, Woluwé-Saint-Lambert).
  8. Benoit de Patoul. Post-Wildfire Vegetation Loss Mapping using Bitemporal Synthetic Aperture Radar. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2017. PDF
    Advisor: Dr Zhi Qiang Chen (University of Missouri-Kansas City, UMKC).
  9. Lionel Gosselin. Création d'un service Fablab pour la conception et l'impression 3D au sein de l'ECAM. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2016.
    Advisor: Ir. Cédric Marchand (CERDECAM, Woluwé-Saint-Lambert).
  10. Damien Vanhove. Développement d'un outil d'analyse de la topologie d'un réseau informatique industriel. Master Thesis. ECAM Brussels Engineering School (ECAM), Belgium, June 2016.
    Advisor: Ir. Serge Wautier (eWon, Nivelles).

Université catholique de Louvain

When I was working as a teaching assistant at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) from 2007 to 2014, I supervised several master thesis, as a supervisor or co-advisor. The topics were related to my own PhD thesis or to other projects I was working on at that time.

  1. Steven An. Extending Pythia with structural source code checks for Java. Master Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, September 2014. PDF
    Advisor: Prof. Kim Mens, Co-Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis.
  2. Pierre Bouilliez. Glass Cat — a tool for interactive visualization of the execution of Oz programs in the Pythia platform. Master Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, June 2014. PDF
    Advisor: Prof. Peter Van Roy, Co-Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis.
  3. Pierre Nauw. Outils d'analyse de modèles de systèmes interactifs ADEPT. Master Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, June 2014. PDF
    Advisor: Prof. Charles Pecheur, Co-Advisor: Dr Sébastien Combéfis.
  4. Simon Goffin. Analyse Comparative de Formalismes d'Interfaces Homme-Machine. Master Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, June 2012. PDF
    Advisors: Prof. Charles Pecheur and Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt.
  5. Olivier Goletti. Modeling Operation Errors by Model Mutation. Master Thesis. Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium, June 2011. PDF
    Advisor: Prof. Charles Pecheur.