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Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 2013
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 2013


I worked from 2007 to 2013 as a teaching assistant at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), a university. My role was to prepare and supervise practical lab sessions for several courses, followed by bachelor and master students and either taught in French and in English. I started to be involved in the “Informatique 1” course in 2004 as a teaching monitor (tutor) while I was still myself studying.

After I got my PhD, I was also responsible for two courses as an invited lecturer, from 2014 to 2015. I taught the “Informatique 1” course to more than 400 first year bachelor students and the “Software Engineering Project” course targeted to master students.

Taught courses

This section lists the courses for which I was only in charge of the lectures.

  • LINGI2255 – Software Engineering Project, 2015 (1 year)
    This course, taught to students in first year of master in engineering and computer science, is a real-size software engineering project that students have to realise in groups for a real client, based on a set of specifications provided by the client and some interactions with him/her, following an agile process.
  • LFSAB1401 – Informatique 1 / LSINF1101 – Introduction à la programmation, 2014 (1 year)
    This course, taught to students in first year of bachelor in engineering, teaches them the basics of object oriented programming, using the Java programming language. Students are discovering notions of programming, objects, classes, arrays, composition and inheritance, graphical interface, files and linked data structures.

Trained courses

This section lists the courses for which I was only in charge of the lab sessions.

  • LFSAB1401 – Informatique 1, 2004–2011 (8 years)
    This course, taught to students in first year of bachelor in engineering, teaches them the basics of object oriented programming, using the Java programming language. Students are discovering notions of programming, objects, classes, arrays, composition and inheritance, graphical interface, files and linked data structures.
  • LSINF1160 – Introduction à l'Algorithmique et Programmation, partie 1, 2007–2011 (5 years)
    This course, taught to students in first year of bachelor in computer science, teaches them the basics of algorithmic and programming, mainly using the Java programming language. Students are discovering algorithmic, representation of numbers, the notion of machine code and algorithms on arrays.
  • LINGI2143 – Concurrent Systems: Models and Analysis, 2008, 2010–2011 (3 years)
    This course, taught to students in first year of master in computer science engineering and in computer science, is about the theory of concurrent systems. They are teached how to model such systems and how to make analysis (deadlock, reachability, safety and liveness properties). Students have to realise three small projects with LTS models (LTSA) and Petri nets (pipe).
  • LINGI2132 – Langages et Traducteurs, 2008–2010 (3 years)
    This course, taught to students in first year of master in computer science engineering and in computer science, is about the theory of automata, languages and compilation. Students have to realise a project, with the Java programming language, which consists in the development of a compiler or interpreter for a language that they define, using a LL(1) or WP syntactic analyser.
  • LSINF1121 – Algorithmique et Structures de Données, 2007 (1 year)
    This course, taught to students in third year of bachelor in computer science and in computer science engineering, is about common data structures (queues, stacks, heaps, trees, graphs), how to implement them, and algorithms to update and do computation with those data structures. Students have to realise small projects using the Java programming language.
  • LGBIO2010 – Bioinformatique, 2007 (1 year)
    This course, taught to students in first year of master in computer science engineering and in biomedical engineering, is about the basics of bioinformatics, as well biology as informatics parts. In informatics, they are discovering sequence alignment algorithms and clustering algorithms for phylogenetics. Students have to realise two small projects for the informatics part of the course.
  • LSINF1151 – Laboratoire; résolution informatique de problèmes, 2012 (1 year)
    This course, taught to students in first year of bachelor in computer science, is about the development of a software project. The resolution of the problem they are given is split into three phases. Students are less guided as the project advances. For example, they have to develop an application to manage a library (managing the list of books and clients, the borrowing and reservation process). The language used is Java.
  • LSINF1101 – Introduction à la programmation, 2012 (1 year)
    This course, taught to students in first year of bachelor in computer science, teaches them the basics of object oriented programming, using the Java programming language. Students are discovering notions of programming, objects, classes, arrays, composition and inheritance, graphical interface, files and linked data structures.
  • LSINF1102 – Résolution informatique de problèmes, 2012 (1 year)
    This course, taught to students in first year of bachelor in computer science, is a succession of three programming projects that allows the students to train what they just learned in the LSINF1101 course.