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Woluwé-Saint-Lambert, Belgium, February 2017
Woluwé-Saint-Lambert, Belgium, February 2017


<p>The <b>Proximus Digitalent</b> project is a training dedicated to young
people seeking for a job. This projet has been put in place by the 
<a href="">Proximus
Foundation</a>. It aims at teaching 3D modelling and printing and electronic
cards programming to the young trainees. They will work on a group project
that they will invent, design and build from scratch. For the 2017 session
that takes place at La Lustrerie (Schaerbeek), Proximus partnered with
<a href="">CEntre de Recherche et de Développement
de l’ECAM</a> (CERDECAM)</p>


  • Sébastien Combéfis (Lecturer, ECAM)
  • Arnaud Wiertz (Lecturer, ECAM)
  • Martin Crappe (Student, ECAM)
  • Guillaume de Moffarts (Student, ECAM)
  • Resources

        <li>Introduction to the technical module
        <a href="/files/trainings/digitalent/Digitalent-2017-Intro-Slides.pdf">
        <img src="/images/slides.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Slides" />
        <li>Description of the developed projects
        <a href="/files/trainings/digitalent/Digitalent-2017-Projects-Slides.pdf">
        <img src="/images/pdf.png" width="16" height="16" alt="PDF" />
        <li>Useful resources and links
        <a href="/files/trainings/digitalent/Digitalent-2017-Ressources.pdf">
        <img src="/images/pdf.png" width="16" height="16" alt="PDF" />