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Baltimore, MD, USA, July 2015
Baltimore, MD, USA, July 2015


The APP0 project is a pedagogical device that is deployed at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) for the first year bachelor students in computer science. During the first week of the semester, these students follow a special program with several activities revolving around a small project.

The main goal is to help students to discover the university work and life, and to get an overview of what they will learn during their studies. By working in groups that change regularly during the week, students are forced to meet other students. The first edition took place in september 2009 and this special first week at university still takes place now for first-time students in computer science.


  • Prof. Olivier Bonaventure (Professor, UCLouvain)
  • Prof. Charles Pecheur (Professor, UCLouvain)
  • Ir. Sébastien Combéfis (Teaching Assistant, UCLouvain)
  • Fabien Duchêne (Teaching Assistant, UCLouvain)
  • Ir. Damien Saucez (Teaching Assistant, UCLouvain)


  1. Sébastien Combéfis, Fabien Duchêne, and Virginie Van den Schrieck. APP0, ou la découverte du monde universitaire par des compétences techniques au service de l'intégration sociale. Presented at the 28th Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire, Mons, Belgium, May 2014. PDF