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Oslo, Norway, January 2019
Oslo, Norway, January 2019

HEPH - Condorcet

I am working since 2022 as a lecturer at the Haute École Provinciale de Hainaut (HEPH - Condorcet), a higher education institution. My current role in this school is to teach one course for students of the specialisation bachelor in computer system and network security. The course is taught in French, but some resources are only provided in English.

Currently taught

  • CT-G1-SECURE-004-T/T-TINF-105 – Basics of security, theoretical and applied cryptography, 2022–now (2 years)
    This course, taught to students of a specialisation bachelor in computer system and network security, presents the basics of cryptographic tools that are used in computer security algorithms and mechanisms. More precisely, it presents the main ciphering, cryptographic hash and digital signature algorithms and how they are practically used to secure computer systems.